Did we just become best friends?
Hello there! I'm Felipe Melo, but feel free to call me Melo. Currently, I'm soaking up the creative vibes in Berlin, Germany, but my roots stretch all the way back to the sunny and spirited Recife in northeast Brazil - a place famous for hosting the most electrifying carnival on earth and, yes, the occasional shark encounter (yikes!).
As a Visual and Product Designer, I wear many hats. You might also know me as an Art Director, Brand Designer, or Illustrator. My passion? Deconstructing complex problems to their bare bones and reassembling them into elegant, effective solutions. It's a bit like being a design alchemist, transforming the ordinary into visual gold.
That's a quick snapshot of me. I'm all about making connections and breathing life into ideas, so I hope we can chat soon.
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Thank you for your message. I promess that I'll answer you as fast as you say "SHARKATTACK".